Ginny Squires; Inspired by Hannah

" About a year and half ago I watched the video that BBC Radio Bristol put out about Hannah's story. I was so moved by this video, she was so brave and determined, and never let cancer get in the way of what she wanted to do. In that moment, after watching it I realised I wanted to do something to help raise money for her charity. The year before we had lost the light legged horses at our local county show. They had said at a meeting they would give the ground to anyone willing to hold a show in its place, as long as it was on another date. I approached them saying that I would like to hold an equine show at the show ground, they were delighted that someone had approached them and taken up their offer. The Black Isle Farmers have been great with me and so very supportive.
On the 19th and 20th of August for the first time Willberry North Of Scotland Championship Show opened its gates. On the Saturday had showing classes such as, In-hand, ridden, working hunter and M&M classes. For this side of the show you had to qualify in able to compete. Which was really good as we were able to get our word out about this show to other areas in Scotland which might not have heard. On Sunday we had an arena event and showjumping classes. The show was a great success and for the first year we had over 250 competitors over the weekend.
We were honoured to have Wanderberry attending for the first year and gave a massive hand to our very own Scottberry. While speaking to Toni I found out Hannah's mum would be at Blair Horse Trials, as soon as I found that out I knew I wanted to give her the cheque. From our show we have been able to donate an amazing £1,000. I was delighted with that number and we will be hoping next year we can improve on this number again. It was an honour meeting Hannahs' mum and the one and only Willberry.
Not only did watching this video create this amazing new show, but watching it has made me look at life in another way and I have now started to do a lot more with my horse, and made me think what do I want to achieve. I have now made goals in what I want to do. My first one was I wanted to go and compete at Blair which I was able to do this year and I am so proud of myself. I would like to thank Hannah for that as I would have never had done it if I hadn't seen that video. So my best way of saying thank you is being able to raise as much as I possibly can for this charity."